Friday, November 7, 2008

Bloggy Lists

Well...its been a bit of a time since I was last here. I'm not in a very coherent place (long week + graduate school applications) so here's a list in place of prose. Actually, a list of lists!

Good Things:
-The Phillies won the world series!!!!
-Obama won the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Things:
-I'm. So. Broke.
-It's been a tiring couple of weeks.
-Sigh. It's November.

Blog-related Things:
-So. I've been thinking. I am, obviously, neither the most fascinating or talented food blogger in the blogosphere. Hell, I'm not even sure if people outside of my dear GF and assorted friends even read this thing. But I've been thinking of incorporating more of my thoughts about living in Philadelphia, living in in general. It might get redundant--I keep both a paper journal and livejournal (sorry, folks, friends only), so maybe there's only so much I can write about. But who knows? It'll still be a food-themed, lifecentric blog.
-Philly is an exciting place to live in right now.
-Local apples are divine and delicious and other italicized words that start with d.
-I made the most delicious one pot meal last night, with tricolor rotini, green beans, and a mix of part-skim mozzarella, parmesan, and asiago cheeses spiked with red chili flakes. Oh my goodness, as I was eating it, I thought I found heaven.
-I really love kale.
-Maybe, someday, I'll regain my sanity.

1 comment:

weezaleez said...

Sanity? I really don't think you will. Especially because Madge just blew your mind.